I have truble with last version of Spyder 5.4.0 with last version of Python 3.10.6.
Even if running a script like
print('Hello world')
when I click on the play green button, the IPython console seems freezing on this script, and it does not run for hours.
If I select this line of code and I run current selection or run the current cell it works fine. From this moment, it seems that spyder works fine, until at a certain point when I run it seems again freezing. I have to restart a new console and before running the script I have to run a single line or a single cell.
It seems that I have to 'activate' in someway the Python console in order to Spyder will run the script.
Does anyone have the same issue? How can I solve it?
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall both spyder and python many times, but it is useless.
After many trials, I noticed that there is something strange with IPython console. I noticed that when it hangs after running a code, if I delete all user variables, it worked fine.
Then I tryed to delete all variables before execution, and it work fine.
Therefore I discovered that a solution that worked for me is to go to preferences -> Run -> and untick the option 'Remove all variables before execution'
It is quite annoying because I have to do it manually every time before running, but in this way the spyder does not appear to hang anymore! I hope that the Spyder developers will solve it soon.
I automatically solved by typing at the beginning of any script these lines, inspired from the question Code to clear console and variables in Spyder :
from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().magic('reset -f')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
similar to Matlab in which you normally start your code with
close all
clear all