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From a numpy array of coordinates[x,y], remove other coordinates with a same x-value to keep the coordinate which has the maximum for y

Suppose I have a Numpy array of a bunch of coordinates [x, y]. I want to filter this array.
For all coordinates in the array with a same x-value, I want to keep only one coordinate:
The coordinate with the maximum for the y.
What is the most efficient or Pythonic way to do this. I will explain with an example below.

coord_arr= array([[10,5], [11,6], [12,6], [10,1], [11,0],[12,2]])

[10, 5] and [10,1] have the same x-value: x=10
maximum for y-values:
max(5,1) = 5
So I only keep coordinate [10,5]

Same procedure for x=11 and x=12
So I finally end up with:

filtered_coord_arr= array([[10,5],[11,6],[12,6]])

I have a solution by converting to a list and using list comprehension (see below).
But I am looking for a more efficient and elegant solution.
(The actual arrays are much larger than in this example.)
My solution:

coord_list = coord_arr.tolist()
x_set = set([coord[0] for coord in coord_list])
coord_max_y_list= []
for x in x_set:
    compare_list=[coord for coord in coord_list if coord[0]==x]
    coord_max = compare_list[compare_list.index(max([coord[1] for coord[1] in compare_list]))]
filtered_coord_arr= np.array(coord_max_y_list)


  • if your array in small you can just do it one line:

    np.array([[x, max(coord[coord[:,0] == x][:,1])] for x in  set(coord[:,0])])

    however that is not correct complexity, if array is big and you care about correct complexity , do like this:

    d  = {}
    for x, y in coord:
        d[x] = max(d.get(x, float('-Inf')), y)
    np.array([[x, y] for x,y in d.items()])