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How to load SQL file into dbt macro using jinja include command?

I have a dbt macro where I am trying to load a stand-alone sql file. I would then like to execute the SQL statement that I loaded by calling my macro. I am attempting to use jinja's include statement.

# test_sql_macro.sql

{% macro test_sql_macro() -%}
  {%- if execute -%}
    {%- call statement('do_stuff', fetch_result=True) -%}
      {% include 'select.sql' %}
    {%- endcall -%}

    {%- set call_results = load_result('do_stuff') -%}
    {{ log("Snowflake response: " ~ call_results, info=True) }}

  {% endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
# select.sql


I am running the macro with

dbt run-operation test_sql_macro --project-dir . --profiles-dir .

but I am getting an error

Encountered an error while running operation: Compilation Error in macro statement (macros/etc/statement.sql)
  no loader for this environment specified

After some search I came across setting template renderer in Python, however I am wondering if it is possible to set the renderer in the macro itself.

Is it possible to accomplish this in dbt?


  • dbt doesn't support jinja's include tag.

    As a workaround, you can use a macro to "import" other sql statements into the jinja context.

    For example:

    Use a macro to hold arbitrary sql statements.

    {% macro my_query() %}
        drop table if exists films cascade;
        create table films (
            film_id integer,
            title varchar
        insert into films (film_id, title) values
            (1, 'The Godfather'),
            (2, 'The Wizard of Oz'),
            (3, 'Citizen Kane')
    {% endmacro %}

    Call the sql statement from another macro.

    {% macro  my_macro() %}
        {# use a statement block #}
        {% call statement('films', fetch_result=True, auto_begin=True) %}
            {# sql query is wrapped in a macro  #}
            {{ my_query() }}
        {% endcall %}
        {# verify the results, print to stdout #}
        {% set results = run_query('SELECT * FROM films') %}
        {{ results.print_table() }}
    {% endmacro %}

    run the operation

    $ dbt run-operation my_macro
    Running with dbt=1.2.0
    | film_id | title            |
    | ------- | ---------------- |
    |       1 | The Godfather    |
    |       2 | The Wizard of Oz |
    |       3 | Citizen Kane     |