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antd charts: remove truncation of text in legend

I'd like to achieve something fairly simple inside an antd chart.

Antd is truncation legend items and is adding "...". I want to remove that truncation and instead display the whole label.

I tried various approaches, e.g. itemValue: {formatter...} or customContent... but no success. Even setting the itemWidth did not remove the three dots.

enter image description here

Here is a fiddle:


  • OK i figured it out, the key is setting maxItemWidth to a high number (by the way: the docs do not state the default value of maxItemWidth):

     const config = {
        xField: 'year',
        yField: 'value',
        seriesField: 'category',
        appendPadding: 10,
        legend: {   
            position: 'bottom',
            flipPage: false,
            maxHeightRatio: 1,
            maxItemWidth: 500