I have this configuration (for demonstration purposes)
Inside celery client is the configuration setup for celery, and inside endpoints.py there is for example an endpoint where celery_client is imported. In endpoints.py I import celery_client (instantiated Celery() object)
#in endpoints.py
from celery_conf import celery_client
def foo_endpoint(
item: PydanticModel, db: Session = Depends(get_database)
) -> dict:
tmp = <some preprocessing of item>
return 200
I want to test this endpoint and see if celery_client.send_task() has been invoked. How can i do this? I have read about pytest patch feature, but I do not understand how to test it.
Lets say I have this test:
client = TestClient() #fastapi test client
def test_enpoint():
#patch where celery client is imported
with patch('endpoints.celery_client') as mock_task:
client.put(url=app.url_path_for("some_name:post"), data={})
How do I test if celery_client.send_task() has been ivoked inside endpoint?
You can do this with:
with patch("endpoints.celery_client.send_task") as mock_task:
client.put(url=app.url_path_for("some_name:post"), data={})
assert mock_task.call_count == 1
assert mock_task.call_args
or there is also the pytest-mock
package that can help:
def test_endpoint(mocker: MockerFixture):
mock_task = mocker.patch("endpoints.celery_client.send_task")
client.put(url=app.url_path_for("some_name:post"), data={})
mock_task.assert_called_once_with(arg1, arg2)