I have been following the tutorial book "Anylogic in 3 days", in the last chapter airport model phase 6.
Setting up flights from MS excel spreadsheet, when I try to run the model after I finished all the settings, it says The method planBoardings(Flight) in the type Main is not applicable for the arguments ().
I have checked the tutorial and my model, I don't know where I did wrong.
is there anyone who had the same problem or can you tell me where I might be wrong.
I am really new to Anylogic, I really appreciate if anyone can help!
startBoarding function I have defined according to the tutorial
Not sure about the tutorial itself, but your function planBoardings
does not need an argument flight
You may also need to adjust the code. Change the line below:
such that it says create_DepartureEvent(dateToTime(f.departureTime), f)