From the download page, I have installed oneAPI Base Toolkit. I got the following Error Post Installation.
Error: Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 86: unknown element "blank"
[104618:0622/] Unable to open X display.
The installation is done by current user (nonroot user).How to fix this error?
Try running the below command to check if the required packages for loading the GUI of Intel oneAPI Toolkits are installed correctly:
sudo apt-get install x11-apps libgbm1 libatspi2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 xdg-utils libnotify4
Additionally, try setting the DISPLAY environment variables using any of the below command:
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
export DISPLAY=
export DISPLAY=:0.0
export DISPLAY="`grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | sed 's/nameserver //'`:0"
Note: If you are running the toolkits inside a VM/WSL where the host OS is Windows, you need to install a display handler inside Windows to get the GUI. For example: VxSsrv, Xming