According to the documentation for the Cloud SDK - gcloud topic formats, it supplies an option --format
that effectively controls the way your output looks.
I noticed, that when I use --format=json
or --format=yaml
with no additional arguments, gcloud
produces an output that concludes every available field to be retrieved with this API, however, I was unable to figure out, how to reach the same kind of behavior with --table
without the need of enumerating every single field of service.
Consider the following example:
gcloud app regions list --format=json --limit 1
"flexible": true,
"region": "asia-east1",
"search_api": false,
"standard": true
It shows an exhaustive enumeration of available fields for AppEngine region resource, yet when I want to output pretty much the same information, especially where I don't know exactly the full scope of fields or the exact naming, I ought to enumerate each of them individually like as follows.
gcloud app regions list \
--format="table[box,all-box,title='AppEngine APAC regions'](region,standard,flexible,search_api)" \
--limit 9
│ AppEngine APAC regions │
│ asia-east1 │ YES │ YES │ NO │
│ asia-east2 │ YES │ YES │ YES │
│ asia-northeast1 │ YES │ YES │ YES │
│ asia-northeast2 │ YES │ YES │ YES │
│ asia-northeast3 │ YES │ YES │ YES │
│ asia-south1 │ YES │ YES │ YES │
│ asia-southeast1 │ YES │ YES │ NO │
│ asia-southeast2 │ YES │ YES │ YES │
│ australia-southeast1 │ YES │ YES │ YES │
In summary, is there a simpler way to achieve mentioned behaviour with --table
format something like this
gcloud app regions list --format="table" --limit 9 # Won't work
For a reference, here is an example using tabular view representation according to AWS table output format with no additional parameters being supplied
aws iam list-users --output table
Produces the following output
| ListUsers |
|| Users ||
|| Arn | CreateDate | PasswordLastUsed | Path | UserId | UserName ||
|| arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Admin | 2014-10-16T16:03:09+00:00 | 2016-06-03T18:37:29+00:00 | / | AIDA1111111111EXAMPLE | Admin ||
|| arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/backup/backup-user | 2019-09-17T19:30:40+00:00 | | /backup/ | AIDA2222222222EXAMPLE | backup-user ||
|| arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/cli-user | 2019-09-17T19:11:39+00:00 | | / | AIDA3333333333EXAMPLE | cli-user ||
The documentation for --table
explains "This format requires a projection to define the table columns".
It's not an unreasonable request but I suspect the reason is that tables are better|best-suited to flat|non-hierarchical data. It's possible that nested types could be output as nested tables but this could become messy.
What are you trying to achieve that you're unable to do as-is?
You can determine the API calls that underlie any gcloud
command by appending the flag --log-http
Then, using APIs Explorer, you can locate these methods e.g. App Engine Admin API, here's apps.locations.list
and ... finally... the response type. In this case ListLocationsResponse
And, this type corresponds to the output of e.g. gcloud app regions list