I am working on a web application where you can basically create event and join events of others people.
When people log in, they can link their accounts with their Google Agenda.
When people are doing some updates from my app, everything is ok. But not, when they do it from their Google Agenda account.
So, I would like to find a way to update the events on my app when users are editing the event directly from their Google Agenda.
I have thought of doing it in the following way but I don't know if it is possible :
Is it possible to do it that way ? I know I could also create an Chrome Extension or a Google Calendar Add-On, but with the way I just described I was thinking also doing it for the Outlook Calendar.
Thank you for your advices
It's hard to address this without knowing exactly how your application works or what exactly you are seeking (documentation sources? code samples?), but here's some general advice:
and keep your application updated. The problem is that your application won't be able to make changes to the event unless all other guests can make changes too. This may or may not matter to you but there's also already a better way to handle this.