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How to completely uninstall XULRunner 7 Mac OS X

There is a thread here:

How to Install and run a XulRunner Application on Mac OS X? which a user mentions having trouble uninstalling XULRunner 7 so he could then install XULRunner 6. Unfortunately he just says he figured it out, but doesn't say how. It appears that I cannot private-message or email that user (CIRK).

So, does anyone know how one removes it, or at least get OS X to allow the install of XULRunner 6?

As a side-note, removing the /Library/Frameworks/XUL.framework directory does not work.

Thanks in advance.


  • Answering my own question a day later...

    It appears that the XULRunner 7 installer not only adds files to the /Library/Frameworks folder, but also adds to /private

    Specifically, I had to manually delete...


    ...along with removing the /Library/Frameworks/XUL.framework folder.

    Hopefully that will be helpful to someone else.

    edit: This is specifically relevant to OSX 10.6.7, reported to work on 10.7.2 as well