I am following the example for terra::intersect
f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)
e <- ext(5.6, 6, 49.55, 49.7)
x <- intersect(v, e)
p <- vect(c("POLYGON ((5.8 49.8, 6 49.9, 6.15 49.8, 6 49.6, 5.8 49.8))",
"POLYGON ((6.3 49.9, 6.2 49.7, 6.3 49.6, 6.5 49.8, 6.3 49.9))"), crs=crs(v))
values(p) <- data.frame(pid=1:2, area=expanse(p))
y <- intersect(v, p)
and what I ultimately want it so summarise the land area of all the polygons created by joining p and v. What I mean is, for each polygon in p, how many ha of polygon is in Diekirch, Grevenmacher, and Luxembourg.
I try this:
lapply(y, FUN=expanse, unit="ha")
yy <- union(v,p)
lapply(yy, FUN=expanse, unit="ha")
but in both cases, expanse returns the same values as
You can do
e <- expanse(y, unit="km")
aggregate(cbind(area=e), y[,c("pid", "NAME_1"), drop=TRUE], sum)
# pid NAME_1 area
#1 1 Diekirch 226.271445
#2 2 Diekirch 8.147181
#3 2 Grevenmacher 286.019968
#4 1 Luxembourg 194.340843
#5 2 Luxembourg 32.281530
Or like this (I would prefer the approach above because it avoids the need to aggregate polygons)
z <- aggregate(y, c("pid", "NAME_1"))
cbind(z[, c("pid", "NAME_1"), drop=TRUE],
area=expanse(z, unit="km"))
# pid NAME_1 area
#1 1 Diekirch 226.271445
#2 1 Luxembourg 194.340843
#3 2 Diekirch 8.147181
#4 2 Grevenmacher 286.019968
#5 2 Luxembourg 32.281530