I was creating an if-else loop based on the type of variable, to either convert a list of numbers to kilograms, or simply one number, and for some reason I cannot call the variable I created into my main() function. I am a beginner to python and any help would be appreciated. Here is my code:
# Testing Code
def kgToLb(weight):
# Return the converted weight (kg)
newWeight = []
if type(weight) == list:
for w in range(len(weight)):
return newWeight.append(weight[w] * 2.20462)
return newWeight == weight * 2.20462
def main():
weightList = [-22, 11, 0, 8.2, -8.2]
answerKgsList = [-9.979044, 4.989522, 0, 3.71946186, -3.71946186]
# Test data
for w in range(0, len(weightList)):
correctWeight = weightList == answerKgsList[w]
print("The converted weight is " + str(newWeight[w]) + ". " + str(correctWeight))
I tried to change the if-else format to see if it would change anything to no avail.
You're very close! Here's a working solution:
def kgToLb(weight):
# Return the converted weight (kg)
newWeight = []
if type(weight) == list:
for w in range(len(weight)):
newWeight.append(weight[w] / 2.20462) # fix "return" and that you multiply. Should divide
return newWeight # just return the new list
def main():
weightList = [-22, 11, 0, 8.2, -8.2]
answerKgsList = [-9.979044, 4.989522, 0, 3.71946186, -3.71946186]
# Test data
newWeight = kgToLb(weightList) # save return of function to variable
tolerance = 0.001
# when comparing two floats, always use some tolerance for when
# to consider them "equal.". If abs(A-B) < tol, then they're equal
for w in range(0, len(weightList)):
correctWeight = abs(newWeight[w] - answerKgsList[w]) < tolerance
print("The converted weight is " + str(newWeight[w]) + ". " + str(correctWeight))
# >>> The converted weight is -9.979044007584074. True
# >>> The converted weight is 4.989522003792037. True
# >>> The converted weight is 0.0. True
# >>> The converted weight is 3.7194618573722456. True
# >>> The converted weight is -3.7194618573722456. True
Mainly the issue was that you used the return
argument when you did the append()
operation. This operation returns None
so your function gets a bit messed up there. You were also multiplying by the conversion value instead of dividing. Also, when you're comparing two float
values in python, you need a "tolerance" level for when you consider the two values equal. I.e. 0.030000001
will not be equal to 0.03
in python. I set your tolerance to 0.001
but you might want to change this depending on your level of precision. Have fun!