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print all maximum values using awk

I'm trying to print all maximum values

so, if the text looks like


name1 job1 9500.
name2 job2 9500.
name3 job3 4500.


I want to print it like


job: job1, sal: 9500
job: job2, sal: 9500


so far, my code is


     BEGIN {a=0}

     {if ($3> a)

    print "job: ", output, "sal:", max}


and the output I'm getting is


job: job2, sal: 9500 



  • One way might be keeping track of the maximum number, and if you have a number that is higher then store that number.

    If it is the same amount as the current number, then keep track of those lines (field 2 and field 3) in an array, and at the end print them.

    awk '
      if ($3 > max) {
        max = $3
        i = 0;
        lines[++i] = $2 OFS $3
      if ($3 == max) lines[++i] = $2 OFS $3
    END {
      for (j=1;j<=i; j++) print lines[j]
    }' file


    job1 9500
    job2 9500