Search code examples

Can't set the open state when using multiple v-list-groups

I'm trying to close currently opened v-list-group components when a new one is opened.

Currently the v-list-groups open up multiple at a time.

<v-list class="pa-4" color="transparent" @click:select="customizer.handleSelect">
        <!---Menu Loop -->
        <template v-for="(item, i) in sidebarMenu">
          <!---Item Sub Header -->
          <v-list-subheader v-if="item.header">
            {{ item.header }}

          <!---If Has Child -->
          <v-list-group v-else-if="item.children" class="">
            <!--- Inject Activator Template -->
            <template #activator="{ props }">
                <!--- Icon -->
                <v-list-item-avatar start class="v-list-item-avatar--start">
                  <vue-feather :type="item.icon" class="feather-sm"></vue-feather>
                <!--- Title -->
                <v-list-item-title v-text="item.title" class="mr-auto"></v-list-item-title>
                <!-- Inject Append Template -->
                <template #append>
                  <v-list-item-avatar end class="v-list-item-avatar--end">
                    <vue-feather type="chevron-down" class="feather-sm"></vue-feather>

            <!--- v-list-item -->
              v-for="(subitem, i) in item.children"
              class="first-level-item mb-1">
              <v-list-item-avatar start class="v-list-item-avatar--start">
                <vue-feather type="disc" class="feather-sm"></vue-feather>
              <v-list-item-title v-text="subitem.title"></v-list-item-title>
            <!-- /v-list-item -->

There is a value prop but the documentation is not clear on how I can manage the open state of the sidebar.


  • Vuetify 3 defaults to allowing each group to be open. To change the default behavior, set the open-strategy prop to "single" on the parent v-list.

    <v-list class="pa-4" open-strategy="single">