THis is how my code looks like:
site1 = ["breakfast", "view", "beach", "hospitality", "breakfast", "clean", "view"]
site2 = ["dinner", "view", "unfriendly", "pool", "clean", "pool"]
site1_no_dupes = []
for i in site1:
if i not in site1_no_dupes:
site2_no_dupes = []
for i in site2:
if i not in site2_no_dupes:
my_final_list = site1_no_dupes + site2_no_dupes
actual_final_list = []
for i in my_final_list:
if i not in actual_final_list:
actual_final_list2 = sorted(actual_final_list)
actual_final_list3 = set(actual_final_list2)
When I print it it comes out likes this
{'pool', 'unfriendly', 'breakfast', 'hospitality', 'clean', 'view', 'beach', 'dinner'}
But I want it like this:
{'beach', 'breakfast', 'clean', 'dinner', 'hospitality', 'pool', 'unfriendly','view'}
I am very close because if I remove the last line it comes out like this:
['beach', 'breakfast', 'clean', 'dinner', 'hospitality', 'pool', 'unfriendly', 'view']
So the only thing I need to do here is convert it to a set while keeping it in alphabetical order, anyone know what to do? Thanks in advance!
You can do it just in one line by first sorting the list, and turning this into a set like this:
actual_final_list2 = set(sorted(actual_final_list))
your output will be:
{'beach', 'clean', 'unfriendly', 'view', 'breakfast', 'hospitality', 'dinner', 'pool'}