I'm having a problem with the "Clear Data" Button I created, and since I'm new to Tkinter, I was wondering if anyone can help me. I am trying to make the program clear the user data input once I click the button, but so far, I just can't figure this out. The code is shown below. I've been trying for a while, and still can't figure it out.
global entry
entry = StringVar()
def cleardata():
entry.delete(1.0, END)
def btn1function():
top = tkinter.Toplevel(root)
top.title("ADD RECORDS")
frame = tk.Frame(top)
bg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file="latestadrec.png")
labl = tk.Label(frame, image=bg)
labl.img = bg
labl.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5, anchor='center')
fname = tk.Label(frame, text="First Name:", font=('Bold', 16))
fname.place(x=50, y=400)
fnameEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=firstname, font=('Bold', 16))
fnameEntry.place(x=220, y=400, width=180)
lname = tk.Label(frame, text="Last Name:", font=('Bold', 16))
lname.place(x=50, y=450)
lnameEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=lastname, font=('Bold', 16))
lnameEntry.place(x=220, y=450, width=180)
address = tk.Label(frame, text="Address:", font=('Bold', 16))
address.place(x=50, y=500)
addressEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=address1, font=('Bold', 16))
addressEntry.place(x=220, y=500, width=180)
conum = tk.Label(frame, text="Contact Number:", font=('Bold', 16))
conum.place(x=50, y=550)
conumEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=connum, font=('Bold', 16))
conumEntry.place(x=220, y=550, width=180)
email = tk.Label(frame, text="Email:", font=('Bold', 16))
email.place(x=50, y=600)
emailEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=email1, font=('Bold', 16))
emailEntry.place(x=220, y=600, width=180)
petname = tk.Label(frame, text="Pet name:", font=('Bold', 16))
petname.place(x=650, y=400)
petnameEntry = tk.Entry(frame,textvariable=pname, font=('Bold', 16))
petnameEntry.place(x=790, y=400, width=180)
gender = tk.Label(frame, text="Gender:", font=('Bold', 16))
gender.place(x=650, y=450)
genderEntry = tk.Entry(frame,textvariable=gender1, font=('Bold', 16))
genderEntry.place(x=790, y=450, width=180)
breed = tk.Label(frame, text="Breed:", font=('Bold', 16))
breed.place(x=650, y=500)
breedEntry = tk.Entry(frame,textvariable=breed1, font=('Bold', 16))
breedEntry.place(x=790, y=500, width=180)
birth = tk.Label(frame, text="Birth Date:", font=('Bold', 16))
birth.place(x=650, y=550)
birthEntry = tk.Entry(frame,textvariable=birth1, font=('Bold', 16))
birthEntry.place(x=790, y=550, width=180)
problem = tk.Label(frame, text="Problem:", font=('Bold', 16))
problem.place(x=650, y=600)
problemEntry = tk.Entry(frame,textvariable=problem1, font=('Bold', 16))
problemEntry.place(x=790, y=600, width=180)
button = tk.Button(frame, text="SUBMIT DATA", command=savefile, font=('Bold', 14))
button.place(x=300, y=700)
button2 = tk.Button(frame, text="CLEAR DATA", command=cleardata, font=('Bold', 14))
button2.place(x=550, y=700)
frame.configure(width=1000, height=800)
You will have to use the delete
method of the Entry
widget if you are looking to delete text, better to put all the entries inside a list and loop through them rather doing it one by one.
def cleardata():
for ent in ent_list:
ent.delete(0, 'end')
def btn1function():
global ent_list
ent_list = [fnameEntry, lnameEntry, ...]
Or you could also create the list in the main part (outside of function) and then use its append()
method to add each entry onto the list. The first solution might be less code and more readable.
Or if you want to avoid globalizing the list, then pass the list as an argument instead:
def cleardata(ent_list):
for ent in ent_list:
ent.delete(0, 'end')
def btn1function():
ent_list = [fnameEntry, lnameEntry, ...]
button2 = tk.Button(..., command=lambda: cleardata(ent_list))