I have a wix install project converted from a msi project:
Here is the code from the Product.wxs:
Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Product Id="{B058DA50-08DD-442F-BAE6-70229A1C777E}" Codepage="1252" Language="1033" Manufacturer="XXX" Name="APP" UpgradeCode="{A260D180-A94B-4E81-A79B-F87EE85C054C}" Version="2.1.4">
<Package Compressed="yes" InstallerVersion="200" Languages="1033" Manufacturer="XXX" Platform="x64" />
<Upgrade Id="{A260D180-A94B-4E81-A79B-F87EE85C054C}">
<UpgradeVersion Maximum="2.1.4" Property="PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED" />
<UpgradeVersion Minimum="2.1.4" Property="NEWERPRODUCTFOUND" OnlyDetect="yes" IncludeMinimum="yes" />
I update the version number to 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 in the Product.wxs, rebuild the installer and run the installer on a machine already installed the 2.1.4, get a error below:
How should I resolve this error?
Looks like you want major upgrades. The ProductCode has to change every build so set it to * to get the compiler to do that for you. Also your version number much change in one of the first few versions.
MSI Defines ProductVersion as:
0-255.0-255.0-65535 rest ignored
so 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 good. -> bad. You'll get duplicate entries in Add/Remove Programs.