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How to write a byte array to a cloud destination using Micronaut?

I'm converting a small Spring method to Micronaut. The purpose of this method is to write a byte array to a destination in the cloud. To identify the destination, a URI is passed as argument to the Spring method. This is the implementation using Spring:

    public class MyWriter{

        public MyWriter(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
            this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;
        public boolean writeToDestination(String uri, byte[] bytes) {
            WritableResource resource = (WritableResource) resourceLoader.getResource(uri);
            try (OutputStream out = resource.getOutputStream()) {
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                return false;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new WriteFileException(e);
            return true;


Based on this question, I know that Micronaut doesn't have the class, but it has and other variants. I have not found any Micronaut alternative to

I have come across io.micronaut:micronaut-cli:2.0.0.M2, which apparently includes a similar implementation to the Spring classes Resource and WritableResource, but every time I use that I get this error:

Failed to inject value for parameter [resourceLoader] of class: ResourceManager    
Message: No bean of type [] exists.

I am new to Micronaut, so I am not familiar with most IO features it offers.

That being said, how do I convert the method above to Micronaut?


  • If it's cloud storage specifically, you should try using Micronaut Object Storage.

    Eg: Install dependencies for your cloud provider


    Set configuration options - src/main/resources/application-ec2.yml

            bucket: profile-pictures-bucket

    Inject in your controllers/services/etc. a bean of type ObjectStorageOperations, the parent interface that allows you to use the API in a generic way for all cloud providers.

    And use:

    public String saveProfilePicture(String userId, Path path) {
        UploadRequest request = UploadRequest.fromPath(path, userId);
        UploadResponse<?> response = objectStorage.upload(request);
        return response.getKey();

    All info above is from: Micronaut Object Storage.