Some uppercase Turkish letters such as İ and Ş do not appear ok when used on TComboBox edit area or TSpeedButton (caption). This İ for example appears as Y with dot. Turkish lowercase letters appear just fine.
All these appear OK when used on TLabel with Default ANSI_CHARSET. The font is same for all components, Verdana. The user has non-unicode apps region in Control Panel set to Turkish.
These uppercase letters start to work OK when COMBOBOX.font.Charset is set to TURKISH_CHARSET;
Is there a code solution to change all elements used in all forms of app to use TURKISH_CHARSET by default?
Something like looping each Control of each form like this;
if AControl is TWinControl then begin
TwinControl(AControl).font.Charset :=TURKISH_CHARSET;
Problem with this code is that TWinControl does not have .FONT property..
Solution was to replace ANSI_CHARSET with DEFAULT_CHARSET in all .DFM files