So strange behavior for me, I am so confused, I have been with these 3 hours and still don't get it.
Problem :
I am calling an instance from a provider withe name “idea” and later using that instance attribute in my widget.
This is my instance :
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var idea = Provider.of<Idea>(context, listen: false).allideas.firstWhere(
(element) => == widget.idea_id,
then I am calling another provider to call two functions
HTTP request
final connectionData =
await Provider.of<IdeaConnection>(context, listen: false)
final ideaProvider =
Provider.of<IdeaConnection>(context, listen: false);
await ideaProvider.uppdeaIdeaConnectionsprov(
Future<dynamic> createIdeaConnection(int resiver_user_id, int idea_id) async { final url = Uri.parse(''); var jwt = await "token"); var userid = await "id"); var response; if (jwt != null) { final Map<String, String> tokenData = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "token": jwt }; try { response = await, headers: tokenData, body: json.encode({ "resiver_user_id": resiver_user_id, "idea_id": idea_id, })); response = jsonDecode(response.body); } catch (error) { print(error); rethrow; } } return response; }
calling another function to update data locally
Future<void> uppdeaIdeaConnectionsprov(
Map<int, IdeaConnectionsModel> connections, data) async {
var id = await "id") as String;
var userData = await getLogedinUserData();
() => IdeaConnectionsModel(
id: data['id'],
uppdatedAtt: DateTime.parse(data['updatedAt']),
fName: userData['fName'] as String,
imge: stringToByteList(userData['image']!),
lNmae: userData['lName'] as String,
userId: int.parse(id),
userName: userData['userName'] as String,
accepted: false,
idea_Id: data['idea_id'],
What is strange is that the uppdeaIdeaConnectionsprov() do not return any map, but the map I am sending to the function gets updated and i see changes in my Text widget how is this possible......
> Text(
> "${idea.connections.length} Connections",
> style: const TextStyle(
> color: Colors.white,
> fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
> fontSize: 12),
> ),
As stated in the documentation, putIfAbsent() modifies the current map. If you want the current map to remain unchanged and get a new map with new values, you can clone the existing map and call putIfAbsent() on the new map.
Future<Map<int, IdeaConnectionsModel>> uppdeaIdeaConnectionsprov(
Map<int, IdeaConnectionsModel> connections, data) async {
var id = await "id") as String;
var userData = await getLogedinUserData();
return Map<int, IdeaConnectionsModel>.from(connections)..putIfAbsent(
() => IdeaConnectionsModel(
id: data['id'],
uppdatedAtt: DateTime.parse(data['updatedAt']),
fName: userData['fName'] as String,
imge: stringToByteList(userData['image']!),
lNmae: userData['lName'] as String,
userId: int.parse(id),
userName: userData['userName'] as String,
accepted: false,
idea_Id: data['idea_id'],