This is my main code of parallel operation:
using Distributed
using SharedArrays
Now, I need to store a variable about time:
variable = SharedArray{ComplexF64, 3}(Dim, steps, paths)
Note that "steps" and "paths" denote time series and total number of trajectories, respectively. However, if i define this variable, i will meet with the out of memory probelm because Dim=10000, steps=600, and paths=1000, though i can use multiple kernels to achieve parallel operation. The code of parallel operation can be written as
@sync @distributed for path=1:paths
variable[:,:,path] = matrix_var
Actually, this variable is not my final result, and the result is
final_var = sum(variable, dim=3)
, which represents the summation of all trajectories.
Thus, I want to deal with the out of memory problem and simultaneously use parallel operation. If i cast away the dimension of "paths" when i define this variable, the out of memory problem will vanish, but parallel operation becomes invaild. I hope that there are a solution to overcome it.
Seems that for each value of path you should create the variable
locally rather than on huge array. Your code might look more or less like this:
final_vars = @distributed (append!) for path=1:paths
#create local variable for a single step
locvariable = Array{ComplexF64, 2}(undef, Dim, steps)
# at any time locvariable is at most in nprocs() copies
# load data to locvariable specific to path and do your job
final_var = sum(locvariable, dim=2)
[final_var] # in this way you will get a vector of arrays