I want to register a new Contract Object. However, when I try to register it together with ShippingAddress, I get an error.
How do I add a ShippingAddress with a Contract Object?
■ Field is not writeable: Contract.ShippingAddres
Contract cont = (Contract) parser.readValueAsStrict(Contract.class);
Address a = new Address();
a.country = 'Japan';
a.city = 'Tokyo';
cont.ShippingAddress = a;
insert cont;
I ran New Contract in the GUI, and the second of the arrays has ShippingAddress registered. I would like to do this with the Apex API as well.
■ The ShippingAddress of the second record is registered.
"attributes": {
"type": "Contract",
"url": "/services/data/v56.0/sobjects/Contract/8000T000000223IQAQ"
"Id": "8000T000000223IQAQ",
"AccountId": "0010T00000Ox7sSQAR",
"BillingAddress": null,
"ShippingAddress": null,
"OwnerId": "0055g00000GRB5vAAH",
"Status": "Draft",
"StatusCode": "Draft",
"IsDeleted": false,
"ContractNumber": "00000114",
"CreatedDate": "2022-11-15T10:03:42.000+0000",
"CreatedById": "0055g00000GRB5vAAH",
"LastModifiedDate": "2022-11-15T10:03:42.000+0000",
"LastModifiedById": "0055g00000GRB5vAAH",
"SystemModstamp": "2022-11-15T10:03:42.000+0000",
"LastViewedDate": "2022-11-15T10:03:42.000+0000",
"LastReferencedDate": "2022-11-15T10:03:42.000+0000"
"BillingStreet": "西新宿1丁目",
"BillingCity": "新宿区",
"BillingState": "東京都",
"BillingPostalCode": "163-0590",
"BillingCountry": "日本",
"BillingAddress": {
"city": "新宿区",
"country": "日本",
"geocodeAccuracy": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"postalCode": "163-0590",
"state": "東京都",
"street": "西新宿1丁目"
"ShippingStreet": "西新宿1丁目",
"ShippingCity": "新宿区",
"ShippingState": "東京都",
"ShippingPostalCode": "163-0590",
"ShippingCountry": "日本",
"ShippingAddress": {
"city": "新宿区",
"country": "日本",
"geocodeAccuracy": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"postalCode": "163-0590",
"state": "東京都",
"street": "西新宿1丁目"
Standard address compound fields are read-only, and are only accessible using the SOAP and REST APIs. See Compound Field Considerations and Limitations for additional details of the restrictions this imposes.
Instead set single fields inside the address.
cont.ShippingCountry = 'Japan';
cont.ShippingCity = 'Tokyo';
insert cont;