Is there way to do something like this (MS VS 2008)?
boost::bind mybinder = boost::bind(/*something is binded here*/);
mybinder(/*parameters here*/); // <--- first call
mybinder(/*another parameters here*/); // <--- one more call
I tried
int foo(int){return 0;}
boost::bind<int(*)(int)> a = boost::bind(f, _1);
but it doesn't work.
The bind returns unspecified type, so you can't directly create a variable of the type. There is however a type template boost::function
that is constructible for any function or functor type. So:
boost::function<int(int)> a = boost::bind(f, _1);
should do the trick. Plus if you are not binding any values, only placeholders, you can do without the bind
altogether, because function
is constructible from function pointers too. So:
boost::function<int(int)> a = &f;
should work as long as f
is int f(int)
. The type made it to C++11 as std::function
to be used with C++11 closures (and bind
, which was also accepted):
std::function<int(int)> a = [](int i)->int { return f(i, 42); }
note, that for directly calling it in C++11, the new use of auto
is easier:
auto a = [](int i)->int { return f(i, 42); }
but if you want to pass it around, std::function
still comes in handy.