I have a Syncfusion SfDialog in my code and I need the component in the content to restart every time the dialog is open. So far I have tried this:
<SfDialog Visible="_dialogTripRunAutoRoute" Width="75%" ShowCloseIcon="true" IsModal="true" AllowPrerender="true">
<DialogEvents Closed="@CloseDialogTripRunAutoRoute"></DialogEvents>
<DialogPositionData X="center" Y="top"></DialogPositionData>
private async Task ToggleDialogTripRunAutoRoute(){
_tripRunAutoRoute = new TripRunAutoRoute();
_tripRunAutoRoute.ModelTripRun = TripOps.TripRunAutoRouteFormModel;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
_dialogTripRunAutoRoute = !_dialogTripRunAutoRoute;
You can use the Opened and Closed event of the Dialog control to re render your component added in the Dialog content. Refer the API and code below,
<div class=" col-lg-8 control-section sb-property-border" id="target" style="height:350px;">
@if (this.ShowButton)
<button class="e-btn" @onclick="@OnBtnClick">Open</button>
<SfDialog Width="335px" IsModal="true" @bind-Visible="Visibility" AllowPrerender="true" CssClass="dialog-medium">
<Header> Software Update </Header>
<DialogButton Content="OK" IsPrimary="true" OnClick="@DlgButtonClick" />
<DialogEvents OnOpen="@DialogOpen" Closed="@DialogClose"></DialogEvents>
<DialogAnimationSettings Effect="@DialogEffect.None"></DialogAnimationSettings>
@code {
SfCheckBox<bool> CheckboxObj;
public int count { get; set; } = 0;
public bool DialogBool { get; set; } = false;
public string DialogContent { get; set; } = "";
private bool Visibility { get; set; } = true;
private bool ShowButton { get; set; } = false;
private void DialogOpen(Object args)
this.ShowButton = false;
DialogBool = true;
private void DialogClose(Object args)
this.ShowButton = true;
DialogBool = false;
private void OnBtnClick()
this.Visibility = true;
DialogContent = "content added";
private void DlgButtonClick()
this.Visibility = false;