I am trying to query the location of an object (x,y,z coordinates) with xform, and then set the values harvested from xform to use in a setAttr command to influence the translation of a different object.
pos = cmds.xform('pSphere1', r=True, ws=True, q=True, t=True )
cmds.setAttr('pSphere2', tx=pos[0], ty=pos[1], tz=pos[2])
The print command is providing me with the correct coordinates however the setAttr command isn't picking them up and using them.
I'm getting the error:
Error: TypeError: file line 1: Invalid flag 'tx'
Is this something to do with the 'data type' of the xform being "linear" and the setAttr being something else? If so, how do I work around or convert?
You are supposed to use it like that :
cmds.setAttr('pSphere2.tx', pos[0])
and your query should be
pos = cmds.xform('pSphere1', ws=True, q=True, t=True )
To apply you can also do
cmds.xform('pSphere2', ws=True, t=pos )