I am trying to use the fact that as_tibble
is a generic function so that I can process a column containing one out of two types of objects in the same way.
The list column temp
can store either a list
or an object of type AsspDataObj
I can define an as_tibble
function for that class
as_tibble.AsspDataObj <- function(x,field=1, prefix=NULL,na.zeros=TRUE){
df <- data.frame(x[[field]])
prefix <- names(x)[field]
prefix <- field
colnames(df) <- paste(prefix,seq(1,ncol(df),1),sep="_")
times <- seq(from=attr(x,"startTime"),
out <-
times_rel=seq(from=0,to=(attr(x,"endRecord")-1)* 1000/attr(x,"sampleRate") ,by=1000/attr(x,"sampleRate")),
times_norm=times_rel / (max(times_rel) - min(times_rel))
) %>%
out <- out %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(!times_orig & !times_rel & !times_norm, ~ na_if(.,0)))
and then apply the function to one of the stored objects and get the expected result.
> class(pluck(illustration, "temp",1))
[1] "AsspDataObj"
> as_tibble(pluck(illustration, "temp",1))
# A tibble: 581 × 7
times_orig times_rel times_norm fm_1 fm_2 fm_3 fm_4
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 0.0025 0 0 NA 1062 2073 3156
2 0.0075 5 0.00172 1239 2109 3113 4247
3 0.0125 10 0.00345 NA 1352 2316 3310
4 0.0175 15 0.00517 NA 1448 2555 3870
5 0.0225 20 0.00690 NA 1438 2564 3958
Now, I want to apply the function to each object, and expand (unnest) the output so that result is actually the as_tibble
output columns for each stored AsspDataObj
, but joined with the other columns in the illustration data set.
Now, if I do this (and simplify the output a but by removing some columns just for now)
> illustration %>% mutate(out = map(.x = temp,.f=as_tibble)) %>% select(sl_rowIdx,out) %>% unnest(out)
I get this output
# A tibble: 1,162 × 10
sl_rowIdx frame_time fm1 fm2 fm3 fm4 bw1 bw2 bw3 bw4
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2.5 0 1062 2073 3156 0 800 369 890
2 1 7.5 1239 2109 3113 4247 644 493 792 859
3 1 12.5 0 1352 2316 3310 0 486 762 933
4 1 17.5 0 1448 2555 3870 0 577 716 1442
5 1 22.5 0 1438 2564 3958 0 548 552 1062
6 1 27.5 0 1343 2518 4001 0 637 617 1096
which is not the output I would expect to see if the as_tibble
generic above had been applied. Instead, it seems that some other as_tibble function has been applied to the object.
Why? How do I find out what as_tibble.*
function has been applied here? How do I force the application of my definition?
You need a data excerpt https://umeauniversity-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/frkkan96_ad_umu_se/ET_56GqikHxAuFc60y_ce1UBL0lOOJcqWaMDjDwLOxjuOw?e=IsEZPf
Sorry, I found the answer. The problem was in the lexical scoping of R (I think) with a (not exported) definition of as_table.AsspDataObj
defined in the package where the AsspDataObj
was defined
being called instead of my function.