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Google Query Language: How to average multiple columns when each one has a different condition?

The data

I have a table as the following in Google Sheets:

Month Country Metric Name Value
Nov AAA Metric_1 98
Nov AAA Metric_2 45
Nov AAA Metric_3 4
Nov BBB Metric_1 100
Nov BBB Metric_2 214
Nov BBB Metric_3 13
Nov CCC Metric_1 75
Nov CCC Metric_2 84
Nov CCC Metric_3 21
Nov Worldwide Metric_4 3
Nov Worldwide Metric_5 87
Oct AAA Metric_1 94
Oct AAA Metric_2 41
Oct AAA Metric_3 0
Oct BBB Metric_1 96
Oct BBB Metric_2 210
Oct BBB Metric_3 9
Oct CCC Metric_1 71
Oct CCC Metric_2 82
Oct CCC Metric_3 17
Oct Worldwide Metric_4 -1
Oct Worldwide Metric_5 83


The end goal is to have a table summarizing each metric per month, ideally just the averages:

Month Metric_1 Metric_2 Metric_3 Metric_4 Metric_5
Nov 91 114.33 12.66 3 87
Oct 87 109.33 8.66 -1 83

Failed attempts

My first attempt was using a multitude of VLOOKUP functions, but the formulas were only getting messier so I dropped that approach.

I discovered the QUERY function and 'Google Visualization API Query Language'. This code works when considering only one metric:

  SELECT Col1, AVG(Col4)
  WHERE Col3 = 'Metric_1'
  LABEL AVG(Col4) 'Metric_1'
Month Metric_1
Nov 91
Oct 87

However, I cannot seem to find how to apply different conditions per column. I was wondering if it's possible to integrate a function like +IF() or +AVERAGEIF() in the SELECT part of the query. Something like:

  SELECT Col1,

How can the summary table be obtained in a single query?


  • use:

     "select Col1,avg(Col4)
      where Col3 is not null
      group by Col1
      pivot Col3")

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