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WPF / C#, how can we control the playback of synchronous frames of videos with SemaphoreSlim (signal)?

Project Details: In this WPF project, video is displayed on the number of structures. In fact, it is a kind of simulator that simulates the display of video on the LEDs installed on the structure or building.

private async Task PlayBinAsync()

        if (animPlayingMode == AnimPlayingMode.ParallelSynchronous)
            List<Task> runningTasks = new List<Task>();
            for (int i = 0; i < Products.Count; i++)
                Task runningTask = ReadDisplayBinFrames(Products[i], true);

                #if DEBUG
                Debug.WriteLine($"LedProducts Count: {Products[i].LastFrameRead} of Product {i}");

            await Task.WhenAll(runningTasks);

public async Task ReadDisplayBinFrames(Product product, bool PlayMode)
        while (BinFile.IsPlayMode)
            for (int currentFrameNumber = product.LastFrameRead; currentFrameNumber <= product.BinFiles.TotalGame; currentFrameNumber++)
                await Task.Run(() =>
                    product.BinFiles.GetSphereColorFromBin(product.BinFiles.GetFrame(currentFrameNumber), product.Wiring);
                    product.LastFrameRead = currentFrameNumber;
                    #if DEBUG
                    Debug.WriteLine($"LastFrameRead {product.LastFrameRead}");
                Coordinator[product.ProductId] += 1;
                await AllowPlayAsync(Coordinator);
                if (currentFrameNumber >= product.BinFiles.TotalGame)
                    product.LastFrameRead = 0;

                if (animPlayingMode == AnimPlayingMode.SerialAsync)
private async Task AllowPlayAsync(List<int> input)
        if (input.All(o => o == input[0]))
            await signal.WaitAsync();
List<int> Coordinator = new List<int>();
private SemaphoreSlim signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);

Project requirements:

1- I want all the structures or buildings to run the videos in unison and not even one frame behind or one frame forward. 2- The project should run continuously and should not stop playing the video until it stops.

In order for the frames to be executed together on the structures, I store the number of executed frames in a list and wait for all the frames to meet and become one using the AllowPlayAsync method. It is equalized, the work continues.

But unfortunately it does not work properly!


  • After searching a lot, I modified and optimized the previous code as follows: This code works well and accurately, but if I want one of the products to work separately or separately from other products, it will not work and it will immediately coordinate with other products. I decided to use the "Products list" instead of the "Coordinator list", but for unknown reasons, after running the AllowPlayAsync method for a few frames, it gets stuck in the wait mode and does not exit from this mode.

    private volatile static SemaphoreSlim signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
    public volatile static ObservableCollection<Product> Products;
    private void ImportProducts()
                // After Import Products
                // The number of members in the Products Collection should be equal to the number of members in the Products list.
                Products = new ObservableCollection<Product>();
    public async Task ReadDisplayBinFrames(Product product, bool PlayMode)
                product.BinFiles.IsPlayMode = PlayMode;
                    for (int currentFrameNumber = product.LastFrameRead; currentFrameNumber <= product.BinFiles.TotalGame && product.BinFiles.IsPlayMode; currentFrameNumber++)
                        await Task.Run(() =>
                            product.LastFrameRead = currentFrameNumber;
                            product.BinFiles.GetSphereColorFromBin(product.BinFiles.GetFrame(currentFrameNumber), product.Wiring);
    #if DEBUG
                            Debug.WriteLine($"LastFrameRead {product.LastFrameRead} - PlayMode: {product.BinFiles.IsPlayMode}");
                            if (currentFrameNumber >= product.BinFiles.TotalGame)
                                product.LastFrameRead = currentFrameNumber = -1;
                            Application.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
                                if (animPlayingMode == AnimPlayingMode.SerialAsync)
                                    product.BinFiles.IsPlayMode = false;
    private void AllowPlayAsync()
                while (true)
                    if (Coordinator.ToList().All(o => o == Coordinator[0]))