I have an external table on top of a csv file:
create or replace external table PAGES
near VARIANT as (nullif(value:c1,null)::VARIANT)
with location = @test_stage
file_format = test_file_format
pattern = '.*[.]csv';
select * from PAGES;
It gives me result as
I want my table to be like:
create or replace external table PAGES
near BOOLEAN as (nullif(value:c1,null)::BOOLEAN)
with location = @test_stage
file_format = test_file_format
pattern = '.*[.]csv';
select * from PAGES;
but it gives me error: Failed to cast variant value "None" to BOOLEAN
How can I make it work with boolean.
My stage and file format looks like:
create or replace file format test_file_format type = 'csv' field_delimiter = ','
create or replace stage oncrawl_stage url='s3://unload-dev/'
file_format = test_file_format
One of the rows should return "None" (JS Null) to get this error. Otherwise the DDL should work:
select VALUE from pages;
| { "c1": "True" } |
| { "c1": "False" } |
| { "c1": "None" } |
select * from pages;
Failed to cast variant value "None" to BOOLEAN
Make sure you set USE_CACHED_RESULT to false to prevent unindented caching on your tests!
PS: Why do you use nullif(value:c1,null)? It means "return NULL if value:c1 is NULL"!
Can you try this one?
create or replace external table PAGES
near BOOLEAN as (decode(value:c1,'None',False,value:c1)::BOOLEAN)
with location = @test_stage
file_format = test_file_format