I want to add whitespaces around each element within a list of lists
data = [["hello", "world"], ["python", "is", "cool"]]
data = [[" hello ", " world "], [" python ", " is ", " cool "]]
data_new = ["hello world", "python is cool"]
data_new2 = [x.split(" ") for x in data_new]
--> [["hello", "world"], ["python", "is", "cool"]]
data_new2 = [' {0} '.format(word) for elem in data_new2 for word in elem]
--> [" hello ", " world ", " python ", " is ", " cool "]
You don't need to split, use a nested list comprehension (here with a f-string):
data = [["hello", "world"], ["python", "is", "cool"]]
data2 = [[f' {x} ' for x in l] for l in data]
[[' hello ', ' world '], [' python ', ' is ', ' cool ']]
Alternative input:
data = ["hello world", "python is cool"]
data2 = [[f' {x} ' for x in s.split()] for s in data]