I'm trying to get a value from the dictionary using a key - a hashable object. Unfortunately I get a KeyError even if the key with the same hash exists in the dictionary:
class TransactionDesignation:
def __init__(self, gd, id, child_of):
self.id = id
self.child_of = child_of
self.gd = gd
def __key(self):
return (self.id, self.child_of, self.gd)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__key())
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.id == other.id and self.child_of == other.child_of and self.gd == other.gd
def __str__(self):
return "Transaction id='{}', childOf='{}', gd='{}', hash='{}'".format(self.id, self.child_of, self.gd, self.__hash__())
#TRANSACTIONS is some enum value
transaction_designation = TransactionDesignation(gd, id, child_of)
#Transaction is added to the logs dictionary with the key transaction_designation
last_finished_transaction_designation = transaction_designation
for key, value in logs[TRANSACTIONS].items():
print("Last finished transaction:")
print(last_finished_transaction_designation in logs[TRANSACTIONS])
transaction = logs[TRANSACTIONS][last_finished_transaction_designation]
Transaction id='3916', childOf='3317', gd='test1', hash='-4959730785004793724'
Transaction id='3917', childOf='3318', gd='test1', hash='-7583793915122604655'
Last finished transaction:
Transaction id='3917', childOf='3318', gd='test1', hash='-7583793915122604655'
transaction = logs[TRANSACTIONS][last_finished_transaction_designation]
KeyError: <structures.TransactionDesignation object at 0x7fdd6145f3a0>
Any ideas why this key couldn't be found in the dictionary? Hashes are identical, but still there is the KeyError visible.
I checked the addresses of last_finished_transaction_designation and the key of the last saved position in the dictionary and they are the same.
I made a mistake during implementation of this mechanism. @Jasonharper, I was wrong saying no more code is needed. The problem is here:
transaction_designation = TransactionDesignation('test1', '3917', None)
logs[TRANSACTIONS][transaction_designation] = transaction
transaction_designation.child_of = '3318'
last_finished_transaction_designation = transaction_designation
I changed the key without thinking it is actually prohibited. After changing it, I wasn't able to get this transaction either by old or by new key. Keys should be unchanged.
transaction_designation = TransactionDesignation('test1', '3917', None)
logs[TRANSACTIONS][transaction_designation] = transaction
transaction = logs[TRANSACTIONS].pop(transaction_designation)
transaction_designation.child_of = '3318'
logs[TRANSACTIONS][transaction_designation] = transaction
last_finished_transaction_designation = transaction_designation
With such implementation nothing goes wrong.