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For-Each an Object in Azure Devops pipeline?

I starting to write an application in microservices and want to have a build step to push the image from my pipeline. For this at the moment I have 3 services to push:

  - stage: build_and_publish_containers
    displayName: 'Docker (:Dev Push)'
      - template: "docker/publish.yaml"
          appName: Authorization_Service
          projectPath: "Services/AuthorizationService"
          imageName: authorization-service
          imageTag: ${{variables.imageTag}}
      - template: "docker/publish.yaml"
          appName: Registration_Service
          projectPath: "Services/RegistrationService"
          imageName: registration-service
          imageTag: ${{variables.imageTag}}
      - template: "docker/publish.yaml"
          appName: Tenant_Service
          projectPath: "Services/TenantService"
          imageName: tenant-service
          imageTag: ${{variables.imageTag}}

Even with only this 3 services (and I want to have much more) I have a lot of duplicated code here I want to reduce. I tried it with an array and an each-function but I have several information here (name / path / imagename) and that could grow.

Is there a better way?

If that would be a programming language I would have an array of a data model, is that something that is possible in azure devops?

Or maybe could each information saved in a json file (so 3 files at the moment and growing) and azure could get all files and informations out of this?


  • you could check the example below to define your complex object nested loops in Azure pipelines. By the way, you could also look into the github doc for more reference.

    - name: environmentObjects
      type: object
      - environmentName: 'dev'
        result: ['123']
      - environmentName: 'uat'
        result: ['223', '323']
      vmimage: ubuntu-latest
    - ${{ each environmentObject  in parameters.environmentObjects }}: 
      - ${{ each result  in environmentObject.result }}:
        - script: echo ${{ result  }}