On running this program, in the output Nan"s are being reported as 0, when building with icpx V2022.1, it is working fine with other compilers.
Compiling with the command: icpx -O3 -qmkl=sequential
#include <armadillo>
int main() {
arma::Col<double> var;
std::cout << std::endl;
var[0] = arma::datum::nan;
// Same with var[0] = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
return 0;
The Intel compilers' default optimization setting is -O2. As suggested by Peter Cordes in the above comment, You can use the command"-fp-model=precise" flag, to instruct the compiler to strictly follow value-safe optimizations when implementing floating-point computations. Hope this solves the issue.