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First automation script - JMeter / WebDriver Sampler / Script Language groovy

I have a question. I am buildin my first script for JMeter / WebDriver Sampler / Script Language groovy

This 2 fields works great:

var txtEmail = WDS.browser.findElement("email"));

var txtPassword = WDS.browser.findElement("password-field"));

But i don't know how to automate the click of a button that doesn't have properties "id" and "name". Just have class:

<input _ngcontent-dqo-c0="" class=" btn  mt-3 mb-4 text-uppercase btn-primary" type="submit" value="Iniciar Sesión">

How i can do that?

Automate a button click


  • From what I can see you could stick to value attribute

    Something like:

    WDS.browser.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By.cssSelector("input[value='Iniciar Sesión'")).click()

    More information: CSS Selectors

    Also one of the Top 15 UI Test Automation Best Practices states:

    NEVER use Thread.sleep() unless there are specific test requirements

    so it worth considering going for Explicit Wait instead