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How to use Enumerations in DXL Scripts?

I'd like to test the value of an enumeration attribute of a DOORs object. How can this be done? And where can I find a DXL documentation describing basic features like this?

if (o."Progress" == 0) // This does NOT work
  // do something


  • So after two weeks and an expired bounty I finally made it. Enum-Attributes can be assigned to int or string variables as desired. But you have to assign to a variable to perform such a conversion. It is not casted when a mere comparison is done like in my example. So here comes the solution:

    int tmp = o."Progress"
    if (tmp == 0)
      // do something

    When tmp is a string, a comparison to the enum literals is possible.

    That was easy. Wasn't it? And here I finally found the everything-you-need-to-know-about-DXL manual.