I'm trying to modify existing perl script to support geocoding. Found this module for it: http://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::Coder::Google
I just can't figure out how to extract data from the hash structure it returns (I'm not a perl coder, this is just some legacy script I have to fix).
'AddressDetails' => {
'Country' => {
'AdministrativeArea' => {
'SubAdministrativeArea' => {
'SubAdministrativeAreaName' => 'San Francisco',
'Locality' => {
'PostalCode' => {
'PostalCodeNumber' => '94107'
'LocalityName' => 'San Francisco',
'Thoroughfare' => {
'ThoroughfareName' => '548 4th St'
'AdministrativeAreaName' => 'CA'
'CountryNameCode' => 'US'
'address' => '548 4th St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA',
'Point' => {
'coordinates' => [
Tried all the hash tutorials I found on google already, the most I can get it to print is something like HASH(0x91e5558). My code thus far is what the module show's as an example:
use Geo::Coder::Google;
my $geocoder = Geo::Coder::Google->new(apikey => 'Your API Key');
my $location = $geocoder->geocode( location => 'Hollywood and Highland, Los Angeles, CA');
I'd just want the Point -> coordinates data to it's own variables which I can then write to database.
Is this what you want?
$lon = $location->{Point}{coordinates}[0];
$lat = $location->{Point}{coordinates}[1];