How to serialize a rather complex structure into a byte[] array, using BinaryWriter?
For this to work, every structure (and sub-structure?) must be decorated with the [Serializable] attribute.
I do not need to implement the ISerializable interface, as this is designed to give an object control over its own serialization.
From comments, the OP's scenario requires strong compatibility with future versions of the application / .NET, in which case I always advise againt BinaryFormatter
- it has many "features" that simply don't work well between versions (and certainly not between platforms).
I recommend looking at contract-based serializers; I'm biased, but I lean towards protobuf-net (which maps to Google's protobuf specification). The easiest way to do this is to attribute the types in such a way that the library can make light work of them (although it can also be done without attributes), for example:
public class Customer {
public List<Order> Orders {get {....}}
public string Name {get;set;}
... etc
(the attribute appoach is very familiar if you've done any XmlSerializer or DataContractSerializer work - and indeed protobuf-net can consume the attributes from those if you don't want to add protobuf-net specific attributes)
then something like:
Customer cust = ...
byte[] data;
using(var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
Serializer.Serialize(ms, cust);
data = ms.ToArray();
The data produced this way is platform independent, and could be loaded on any matching contract (it doesn't even need to be Customer
- it could any type with matching layout via the attributes). Indeed, in most cases it'll load easily into any other protobuf implementation - Java, C++, etc.