I was trying to retrieve the subnets in a given VPC, in my case the default VPC, however I keep getting an error:
data "aws_vpc" "default_vpc" {
default = true
data "aws_subnet" "subnets" {
vpc_id = data.aws_vpc.default_vpc.id
output "subnets_out" {
value = data.aws_subnet.subnets
Error: multiple EC2 Subnets matched; use additional constraints to reduce matches to a single EC2 Subnet
The first data call works, I get my default VPC id, however the second one fails.
Originally I had 1 subnet in my default VPC and at that time, the second data call worked too but to my surprise it returned the subnet as a map instead of a map within a set. So I was curious what would happen if there was more than one subnets in my VPC but then the data call failed.
What I find really confusing is that the Terraform documentation says:
This resource can be useful for getting back a set of subnet IDs.
If it's supposed to return a set of subnet IDs, then why is it an issue that multiple subnets were matched?
is a resource for a specific subnet. Its not for a collection of subnets. so when you pass the VPC_ID, aws is finding more than one subnet in that VPC. Its not possible to store more than one subnets in aws_subnet
aws_subnet provides details about a specific VPC subnet.
It sounds like you should be using aws_subnets
This resource can be useful for getting back a set of subnet IDs.
This will return you a list of subnet ID's which you can then use in a foreach in aws_subnet
to get the specific details of each subnet