I have been learning to work with tests in storykook using interaction addon. But i don't know how to run tests before push at main branch(make deploy), A way i found is running all the tests using git hook(pre-puch), but run all test isn't a good choice when my app grow up and i want to use pipeline ci/cd instead git hooks
Thanks for read!
you can found that app here
i find an answer
basically you need create a script in your package.json thats run that code
concurrently -k -s first -n \"SB,TEST\" -c \"magenta,blue\" \"npm run storybook:build --quiet && npx http-server storybook-static --port 6006 --silent\" \"wait-on tcp:6006 && npm run storybook:test\"
dont forget to install concurrently wait-on and http-server. And run this script in your ci job.
you can check out that repository to find an example