I am building a website using Next and Typescript. I am using the following packages:
When I set the images using the following:
<div className={`figureContainer ${styles.figureContainer}>
<Image layout="fill" objectFit="contain" src={lockIcon} alt="scx figure" priority={index === 0? true : false } />
<div className={styles.menuTitle}>{item}</div>
and in the CSS the figure container class has the following base style:
width: 50%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
transition: filter 0.4s;
When I click a link to go to the store page, on localhost it works perfectly fine but when I deployed it to vercel and tried the same thing at first everything looks like it works but the Images jump to fill the screen when I change routes.
Almost as if I set position: absolute
on images and relative
on the body with no other intermediary parent being set to relative
This only happens when I change routes on the vercel app: https://scx-landing-revamp-6eid5catf-tochibedford.vercel.app/ why does this happen? how can it be fixed?
I hope you are doing great, I was facing the same issue (using next/image + FramerMotion) and I fixed it today by abstracting all the content in my pages/index.tsx
into a IndexScreen.tsx file and then dynamically importing it using:
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const IndexScreen = dynamic<IndexScreenProps>(() => import('@/screens/indexScreen').then(mod => mod.IndexScreen), {
ssr: false,
Not sure if it's the best to do, but it worked!
Here is some reference docs that helped me: https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/dynamic-import In case you are using TypeScript: NextJS dynamic import issue