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display image uploaded to ipfs dynamically in react frontend

I implemented the code below but when I click save it returns the ipfs hash but the uploaded image doesn't show on the frontpage. Please any help will be highly appreciated!

onSubmit = async (event) => {
    console.log('The file will be Submitted!');
    let data = this.state.buffer;
    console.log('Submit this: ', data);
    if (data){
        const postResponse = await ipfs.add(this.state.buffer) 
        console.log("postResponse", postResponse);
      } catch(e){
        console.log("Error: ", e)
    } else{
      alert("No files submitted. Please try again.");
      console.log('ERROR: No data to submit');


  • You must use the returned CID hash to construct a valid image URL. Because the <img/> tag doesn't support ipfs:// URL scheme, you will have to relying on one of the HTTP gateways like or as such:

    https://{gateway URL}/ipfs/{content ID}/{optional path to resource}

    So you could display the image using the <img/> tag like this:

    const Comp = () => {
      const [cid, setCid] = useState("");
      // logic to retrieve and set CID state
      return (
        <img src={`${cid}`} />