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How to use functions in a inline HTML translate pipe?

My goal is to minimize the code using the Angular translate pipe. Currently, I have to use 8 curly brackets and write "translate" twice... a better way must exist.

My current code looks like:

  {{ 'eMail' | translate }} {{ lowerCaseFirstLetter('isInvalid' | translate) }}

And I'm trying to do shorten it in something like

  translate>eMail {{ lowerCaseFirstLetter('isInvalid' | translate) }}

or maybe even

   translate>eMail lowerCaseFirstLetter('isInvalid')

The Text

email is a translation = E-Mail
isInvalid is a translation = Is invalid
lowerCaseFirstLetter() is a function which just lowercases first letter this is important to not destroy the orthography in other languages


  • You could create a custom pipe that accepts an extra parameter so you can do this:

        {{ 'eMail' | error:'isInvalid' }}

    for that create a pipe file error.pipe.ts with following content:

    import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
    import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
              name: 'error'
    export class ErrorPipe implements PipeTransform {
              constructor(private translateService: TranslateService) {
              transform(value: string, arg: string): string {
                        return `${this.translateService.instant(value)} ${this.translateService.instant(arg).toLowerCase()}`;

    declare it in the component module you want to use it in example.module.ts:

    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';  // standard
    import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';  // standard
    import { ErrorPipe } from './path/to/error.pipe';
      imports: [CommonModule, ExampleRoutingModule], // standard
      declarations: [ExampleComponent, ErrorPipe]
    export class ExampleModule {}

    now you can do following thing in the component:

        {{ 'eMail' | error:'isInvalid' }}