I have the mainactivity and its adapter, inside the adapter I have a dialog in which the user edit holder's data, so once the save button is clicked the changes are saved on firebase and I call notifydatachanged, now the problem is that in mainactivity I retrieve data from firebase, but the function is not called once the dialog disappear, because the activity it's not changed so the oncreate it's the same. There is a way to alert the mainactivity from adapter that data changed?
A solution is to make the activity reload like this:
But the reload flash it's ugly to see, so I'd like to do in another way if is possible.
It's enough to call the function that retrieve data from firebase, from the adapter, but you need to reset the adapter's data list, example:
Inside the Activity class:
public void updateData() {
//code to retrieve data from firebase and then
Inside the Adapter class: