My script accepts a variable from a Zabbix trigger (alert media). I'm trying to send that variable as an email but I don't see new lines in the email.
The original output has ^M
at the end of each line, so I replace them with /n
and then send that to be rendered in my Jinja2 template:
alert_message = sys.argv[1] # This is the variable I get from Zabbix
alert_message = alert_message.replace('\r', '\n')
f = open("/tmp/test.txt", "w") # I wrote the file to an output to see how it looks in raw text
hostname = findGW(alert_message) # a function that uses regex to find the name of the hostname in the message
username = getOwner(hostname) # a function that gets the owner of the hostname to send him an email later
if username is not None:
sendEmail(username, gw, alert_message) # Sending the email
print("Couldn't find gateway\nSkipping email sending")
This is my sendEmail()
def sendEmail(username, hostname, alert_msg):
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
title = f'Instance alert for {hostname}'
cc = ['']
# owner_email = [f'{username}']
owner_email = [f'']
sender = ''
rendered_template = MIMEText(email_template.render({'owner':username, 'hostname':hostname, 'alert_msg':alert_msg}), 'html')
msg['Subject'] = title
msg['From'] = sender
msg['Cc'] = ', '.join(cc)
msg['To'] = ', '.join(owner_email)
receivers = owner_email + cc
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('mailserver', 25)
smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, msg.as_string())
print ("Successfully sent email")
except Exception as e:
print (e, "Error: unable to send email")
This is my HTML template which I render:
<p>Owner: {{owner}}, VM: <strong>({{hostname}})</strong>.
<b>Issue Message:</b>
For some reason, this is the email:
Just to compare, I also write the file as an output, and it looks like this, which would suggest everything is working properly:
Given the above comparison I'm not sure where to look for the issue. Is it Jinja2 or my script?
Just wanted to post an update. Not sure if this will help anyone since this is a pretty janky solution, but overall:
I get the message from Zabbix, parse it in my script, and send it in a templated email using Jinja.
The fuction:
def parseMessage(message):
d = {}
for line in message.splitlines():
if line.startswith("Problem name:"):
problemMessage = line.split(":")[1].strip()
d['Problem name'] = problemMessage
if line.startswith("Problem started") or line.startswith("Problem has been resolved"):
d['Start Time'] = line
if line.startswith("Severity"):
d['Severity'] = line.split(":")[1].strip()
if line.startswith("Host:"):
d['hostname'] = line.split(":")[1].strip()
return d
Then the template looks something like this:
<p>bla bla bla
{% if "Problem has been resolved" in issue_time %}
This is an update to the previous email you received.
bla bla bla
{% endif %}
Issue Message: {{issue_message}}
Issue Time: {{issue_time}}
Issue Severity: {{issue_sev}}