Is it possible to show and evaluate a markdown text in Quarto / Rmarkdown?
I need to show both the raw markdown script and its compiled (evaluated) form, one after another. In Quarto, I can use the following code to show/format a markdown code, but this does not provide evaluated results (i.e. the link).
#| echo: true
#| eval: true
You can build your own evaluator with a Quarto Lua filter:
function CodeBlock (cb)
if cb.classes:includes 'markdown' and cb.classes:includes 'eval' then
return {cb} ..
Save the code to a file in your project and add that file to the filters
YAML entry:
- markdown-examples.lua
The filter requires slightly different syntax though:
```{.markdown .eval}
This isn't fully satisfying though, as it only supports pandoc's Markdown and doesn't know about Quarto extensions to it.