I try to deploy debian containers to allow users to connect to them over SSH (for students for exemple).
I managed to do this but when I am connected to the container I have a pseudo-TTY and it's not the expected result I want. I want to have a complete interactive shell like when we connect to a reel server or machine.
I tried several ideas like :
change the docker add options in my docker run
commands like : docker run -d -it CONAINER_ID
change the sshd_config
in the debian container to allow TTY
change my dockerfile many times
add ssh
options when I connect : ssh -t
or ssh -tt
But any of theses ideas seems to help me. I show you my current Dockerfile it can be helpfull.
FROM debian:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-server && apt-get install -y sudo nano
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
RUN service ssh start
RUN useradd -m john && echo "john:john" | chpasswd && adduser john sudo
CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]
So can any one tell me if I can change or do something to resolve this problem please ? Thanks
I solved this problem with adding just one option in my Dockerfile when I create the user :
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash john && echo "john:john" | chpasswd && adduser john sudo
Now, when I log into the container with SSH, I have a fully complete SHELL.