I have been using tox to run the lintin packes over my code base. However I have ran into the issue of not having the dependecies up to date with my gitlab pipeline, because I was not updating my dependencies not to affect the deployed version. For this reason I wanted to switch to using requirements-dev.txt
in my tox command. My current setup is as follow:
envlist = py3, flake8, black, mypy, pylint
deps =
commands =
python -m pytest -v --cov={[vars]SOURCE} \
--cov-config=tox.ini \
--cov-report=html \
--cov-fail-under={[vars]MINIMAL_COVERAGE} \
--cov-report term-missing \
basepython = python3
deps =
# ignored:
# R0903 - Too few public methods
# W3101 - missing-timeout
commands = python -m pylint {[vars]SOURCE} --rcfile=tox.ini -d R0903,W0511,W3101
# pylint configuration
max-args = 10
deps =
commands= python3 -m flake8 --max-line-length=100 {[vars]SOURCE} {[vars]TEST_DIR}
whitelist_externals = /usr/bin/python3
# flake8 config
ignore = E722, W503, W504, N818, F841
deps =
commands = mypy --install-types --non-interactive \
--ignore-missing-imports \
--disallow-untyped-defs \
--disallow-incomplete-defs \
--disallow-untyped-decorators {[vars]SOURCE} {[vars]TEST_DIR}
deps = -rrequirements-dev.txt
commands = black --check --diff {[vars]SOURCE} {[vars]TEST_DIR}
# Format code automatically using black rules
deps = -rrequirements-dev.txt
commands = black {[vars]SOURCE} {[vars]TEST_DIR}
As you can see, i've had to keep the requirements.txt in dependencies for testenv and pylint (I had some dependencies that I needed in both), however I am now getting a double requirement error such as ERROR: Double requirement given: click==8.1.3 (from -r requirements-dev.txt (line 13)) (already in click==8.0.3 (from -r requirements.txt (line 19)), name='click')
I am wondering what is the most elegant solution to this problem? Omitting those dependencies that are covered in requirements.txt in requirements-dev.txt? Or just keeping the version lower?
Thank you for your advice
The most elegant, and widely used solution is not to run each linter in a separate tox environment, but to have one linter environment, which runs pre-commit
pre-commit is a linter runner and both takes care of running the linters and dependency management of the linters.
Your tox.ini would look like that:
deps= pre-commit
commands = pre-commit run --all-files
More info on pre-commit https://pre-commit.com/
Example configuration from one of my projects https://github.com/jugmac00/flask-reuploaded/blob/723fe4e355cd260bc82bf4f1c712036ae3d3d4b6/tox.ini#L24
Disclaimer: I am one of the tox maintainers