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Where C stores dynamically a string inside a struct

I wonder where the literal string that str points to is allocated, given that (I assume) malloc only makes room for the pointer into the Heap.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct
    int a;
    char* str;
} Bar;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Bar* bar_ptr = malloc(sizeof *bar_ptr);

    bar_ptr->a = 51;
    bar_ptr->str = "hello world!";

    printf("%d\n", bar_ptr->a);
    printf("%s\n", bar_ptr->str);


    return 0;


  • Correct - all your struct type stores is the address of the first character in the string. The string contents are stored "somewhere else" - in a string literal, in another dynamically-allocated block, in a static or auto array, etc.

    You could declare everything auto:

    void foo( void )
      char aStr[] = "this is not a test";
      Bar barInstance;
      barInstance.a = 51;
      barInstance.str = aStr;

    You could allocate everything dynamically:

    Bar *barInstance = malloc( sizeof *barInstance );
    if ( barInstance )
      size_t size = strlen( "This is not a test" );
      barInstance->str = malloc( size + 1 );
      if ( barInstance->str )
        strcpy ( barInstance->str, "This is not a test" );
       * You must free barInstance->str before freeing
       * barInstance - just freeing barInstance won't
       * free the memory barInstance->str points to,
       * since that was a separate allocation.
      free( barInstance->str );
      free( barInstance );

    ** Edit **

    And there are other possibilities, but the point is that the string itself is stored separately from the struct instance.