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How do I determine the default color palette used by function ggiNEXT in the package iNEXT?

I am trying to match the aesthetics of ggiNEXT objects in a series of manually generated ggplot2 figures. Sample figure is below, where colors of lines and 95% confidence intervals are those chosen by default by function ggiNEXT (code taken directly from function help):

z <- iNEXT(spider, q=c(0,1,2), datatype="abundance")
ggiNEXT(z, facet.var="Assemblage", color.var="Order.q")

Sample ggiNEXT plot

I want to determine what colors are used by default for lines and 95% confidence intervals - how can I figure this out?


  • Function ggplot_build() in package ggplot2 can be used to extract colors.

    > palette_extract <- ggplot_build( ggiNEXT(z, facet.var="Assemblage", color.var="Order.q") )
    > as.vector(unique(palette_extract$data[[1]][1]))
    [1] "#D55E00" "#0072B2" "#CC79A7"