I am trying to save a raster on databrick notebook but I get:
terra::writeRaster(r, 'test.tif'))
Warning: _tiffSeekProc:Operation not supported (GDAL error 1)
Warning: TIFFWriteDirectoryTagData:IO error writing tag data (GDAL error 1)
Warning: _tiffWriteProc:Operation not supported (GDAL error 1)
Warning: _tiffSeekProc:Operation not supported (GDAL error 1)
Warning: _tiffSeekProc:Operation not supported (GDAL error 1)
Warning: TIFFWriteDirectoryTagData:IO error writing tag data (GDAL error 1)
Warning: _tiffSeekProc:Operation not supported (GDAL error 1)
Warning: TIFFWriteDirectoryTagData:IO error writing tag data (GDAL error 1)
Warning: I/O error (GDAL error 3)
Probably the same problem as reported here. That is, you need random file access to write a Tiff file, but your connection only supports sequential writing.